Helping operate with increased efficiency

Dataquest has built a strong relationship with Bromley by Bow Centre, based on trust and confidence, not one constrained by contract terms. It is the demonstration of this willingness to solve a client’s business problem which underpins a long-term, loyal customer relationship. By understanding the business issues and not just the IT systems, Dataquest has built a strong foundation which has proved beneficial to both companies.

Bromley by Bow Centre


Managed Print
IT Infrastructure


They wanted to avoid partnering with a more traditional IT services company where they could be inhibited by rigid and specific measures drawn up in the SLA.

In recent years, more demands were put upon its accountancy IT systems and infrastructure and business continuity were more critical than ever before. It was clear that outsourcing the maintenance of its printers, switches and network server hardware was the most effective and economic option. The most pressing issue was to find the right IT partner.


Over the years, Dataquest has provided multi-functional printers, installed on-premise file storage and helped Bromley by Bow Centre with the migration to Office 365.


Dataquest provided greater stability to services and greater accessibility to files and emails.

“We have called upon Dataquest time and time again who have been alongside us during many of the major transitions and changes to the IT services and infrastructure.” Mark Mensah, Bromley by Bow Centre.

Get in touch

For further information about our services and products, please get in touch with us, and one of our experts will be able to help get your quest on the way for better business performance.

E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0)20 7392 8886

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